
Visakh Sakulan avatar image
Visakh Sakulan asked Ben Wilson edited

Sample Fluid Models

I would like to have some fluid models (or case studies). It will be of great help if someone can provide me with it. (I have already gone through the model in the tutorial)

FlexSim 16.1.0
modelfluid objectfluid library
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1 Answer

Michael Machado avatar image
Michael Machado answered Ben Wilson edited

I dont know exactly what kind of application do you wanna handle with fluid models, but my recommendation for you is go through FloWorks module. It's a powerful additional module for FlexSim simulation software used to accurately analyze and optimize the logistics of bulk, fluids or gas flows in a networks. It's a new approach to combine discrete events and continuous processes. It's developed by Talumis and you get in more information here and also here.

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