
IT Asset avatar image
IT Asset asked Joerg Vogel edited

How can I compare 2 models to find the differences?

I am wondering how to compare two models to find the differences with something like winmerge? I noticed from one save to another the size jumped from 8 mb to 30 mb and I can't remember what I had changed that far back.

FlexSim 16.2.0
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Dj Moens avatar image
Dj Moens answered IT Asset commented

Hi, if you have performed an experiment and have the 'save dashboard data' switched on, it can create a large model file as results of the experiment will be saved as well.

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Sam Stubbs avatar image
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Sam Stubbs answered Matthew Gillespie commented

The first place I would look is in the model's "packedmedia" a change in file size that large, seems very likely that you imported a 3D shape or image of some kind. But yeah you can use winmerge as well. Just make sure you export the project as XML first.

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