
Katie M avatar image
Katie M asked Lou Keller answered

A person turns away when approached

Currently, I have a model that involves a receptionist checking in patients. When a patient arrives, and sits in the chair in front of the desk, she immediately turns her back and remains this way for the rest of the simulation. She is not connected to any nodes, and I have her location at the Reception desk. I've tried to adjust both she and her group box with the axis options, but that hasn't seemed to have any positive impact.



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Jacob Gillespie avatar image
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Jacob Gillespie answered Jacob Gillespie edited

Staff always face towards the center of the processing object. So if you want the staff to face the patient then you have to place the staff on the other side of the object center.

reception1.png (20.0 KiB)
reception2.png (21.2 KiB)
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Lou Keller avatar image
Lou Keller answered

Hi Katie, I've attached two zip files of clerk-orientation and Waiting line modeling, "How-to" papers and their supporting models. I think you'll find that they cover all of your questions in detail (and then some!). Please let me know if you have any additional questions once you've looked everything over! My best, Lou

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