
Kevin Megee avatar image
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Kevin Megee asked Ben Wilson edited

Having Trouble Creating a Process Flow after the 3D model has been created

I have already created a 3D simulation model and now want to create a process flow to go with it but I'm having trouble doing so. Would it be easier to create the process flow first and then link it to the model?

FlexSim 17.1.2
process flow
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1 Answer

Matt Long avatar image
Matt Long answered Ben Wilson edited

The nice thing about Process Flow is that you can jump into creating logic in Process Flow at any point during your model development. Activities like the Wait for Event and Event-Triggered Source allow you to listen to events on 3D objects and kick off a token to perform the necessary logic.

If you'd like to ask a more specific question as to where you're having trouble we can try and help you out.

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Sehn G avatar image Sehn G commented ·

Thanks for response Matt! I appreciate it!

thumbs up

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