
Vishal B avatar image
Vishal B asked Vishal B commented

Multiple Dispatchers attached to Processor

I have a problem in which one Processor(Station) can have operators either from Dispatcher 1 or 2 based on whichever is available at the earliest. The dispatchers are connected to other stations also .

In the given model , Processor 3 can have operator from either Dispatcher 7 or Dispatcher 9 .

Problem:- Processor 3 is only taking through Dispatcher 7 as it is connected to center port 1 and waiting even if other operator is idle.


How should I write a logic.Do we have to use process flow??

FlexSim 7.7.4
process flowdispatchersoperators assignment
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1 Answer

Jeff Nordgren avatar image
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Jeff Nordgren answered Vishal B commented
@Vishal B

Try connecting Dispatcher7 to Dispatcher9 with an "A" connection and see if this is what you are trying to accomplish. If you have any questions or problems, please let us know.


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Vishal B avatar image Vishal B commented ·

Thanks a lot Jeff . It is working for me.

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