
Oliver H avatar image
Oliver H asked Nurul Ain bt Ismayudin I commented

Average throughput time of a flow item?

Hi there,

I have a simulation of a production and assembly line. it starts with the raw material of one part being delivered to the entry of the system, and ends with the sink after the assembly line.

how can i count the throughput time of ONE flow item, the waiting time and the process time? all of these 3 numbers should have minimum, maximum and average.

thanks in advance.

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process timethroughputwaiting timesaverage
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Jeff Nordgren avatar image
Jeff Nordgren answered Oliver H commented

@Oliver H

I'll admit, I'm not quite sure why the "stats" on one single flowitem would be of much use in a simulation model. I guess that's why there isn't an "automatic" way of doing it, to my knowledge. But there is always a way to do something that may not be the "norm". Attached is a model that will track those stats as labels on each flowitem. I'm sure there are more than one way that this could be accomplished. The attached model is just one way.

In the Source, OnCreation, I create all the labels on the flowitems. Then in the Queues, I track the time into the Queue in the OnEntry trigger and calculate the wait time in the OnExit trigger.

In the Processors, after the process time is calculated I use that time to write those stats to the item's labels.

There are 2 User Commands, the WaitStats and the ProcStats. These are called from the Queues and the Processors to calculate the stats for the flowitem.

If you double click on any flowitem in the last queue (last item in stops the model run), you can see the stats for that flowitem

I hope this is what you were looking to do? If you have any questions, please let us know.



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Raja Sekaran avatar image
Raja Sekaran answered Nurul Ain bt Ismayudin I commented


I have attached the sample model. In the attached model you can count the throughput time for each flowitem also it shows minimum, maximum and mean throughput time .

In the Sink, On Entry Trigger, I find the difference between Entry time of the item and creation time of item, then use global table to write those throughput time for each flow item.

I hope this will help you.


sample.fsm (17.8 KiB)
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