
Thalias avatar image
Thalias asked Matthew Gillespie edited

How to Use a Single Combiner for Multiple Different Combinations

I have 30 queue's, one for each cylinder (each is unique) that I need combined in the following fashion:

#1: Cylinders 1 - 8 combined/joined to make one large cylinder

#2: Cylinders 9-19 combined/joined to make one large cylinder

#3: Cylinders 20-30 combined/joined to make one large cylinder

I'm trying to use a single combiner to do this, but I don't see any options to combine multiple sets of cylinders. I thought of possibly having three combiners, each one tied to one of the cases above, but I can't have them all operating simultaneously since in reality this is all done in one station. In terms of priority, I'd like it to be a simple First Available. In other words, if cylinder 1 is available first, then the combiner starts building that set. When complete, it would switch over to #2 or #3 depending on which one had a cylinder arrive in its queue first.

Hopefully this all makes sense...

FlexSim 17.1.2
combinercombiner component list
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
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Joerg Vogel answered Ben Wilson commented

You find in the OnEntry trigger the template "Update Combiner Component List". Unfortunately the decisison is made only from the item entering through the input port number one. If you want to give this approach a try, you can connect the queues 1, 9 and 20 to a single queue. You connect this queue with the combiner to its inport port number 1. Then the item, which enters the Combiner through the port one, defines by its item type which component list will be used. Each list is a column in a global table. If you need more of the items which defines the component list, you have to connect the queues 1,9 and 20 with the combiner additionally, because the combiner joines/combines only one item from the port number one. The global table contains 30 rows for each queue a single row. The cells of the first row contain the values of the amount of items to combine from the queue connected to the input port number 2. The second row contains the amount of items from the queue connected to the input port number 3, and so on. The queues which don't provide items to the combination gets in the global table the value 0.

If you don't want to set the column (component list) by the item type, you have to exchange this by an assignment of your own code.

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