
Dominik K avatar image
Dominik K asked Dominik K published

Combiner Excel Import


I have a simulation with a combiner, where Actuator-Units are made off different MGC and VCM.
One Actuator-Unit consists of 1 MGC and 2 VCM and the MGC / VCM come in different sizes (MGC-S / MGC-M / MGC-L and VCM-N / VCM-L).
How can I tell a combiner, with the help of excel, to execute my desired sequence as following:

AU-M-N -> 1x MGC-M and 2x VCM-N
AU-S-N -> 1x MGC-S and 2x VCM-N
AU-M-N -> 1x MGC-M and 2x VCM-N

Am I on the right path with an excel? Would this also do the job for my desired sequence?


FlexSim 18.2.3
combinerexcel importcombiner component listcombiner for different combinations
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1 Answer

tannerp avatar image
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tannerp answered Dominik K published


You can use the Update Combiner Component List option to update the list according to the type of the first item to enter. I created an example to explain this.

The item Type label is used to decide which column of the Global Table to use to update the list. You must have a column in the Global Table for each of the item types and input ports on the combiner. In my example, if the pallet type is 1, it updates the list to request four items of type 1. If the pallet type is 2, it requests one item of type 2. And if the pallet type is 3, it requests two items of type 3.

I hope this is helpful. You can modify this idea to meet your needs.

Update combiner list example.fsm

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