
Nicholas B avatar image
Nicholas B asked Nicholas B commented

Patient Stuck in Queue

I have a model that based on patient information they will be directed to the next area. I am having issues where if the specific room is not available when the patient enters that they sit in the queue and never leave. I have diagnosed it that the current activity is never re-evaluated. Any idea on a fix?

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1 Answer

Cliff King avatar image
Cliff King answered Nicholas B commented

Is the logic for "directed to the next area" found in the Patient Destination field or the Next Activity field? The Next Activity field is only evaluated once at the end of the current activity, but the Patient Destination field can be evaluated every time a location downstream from the patient's current location becomes available (so long as a 0 is returned for a previous evaluation when no locations were found available). You may need to attach your model for us to answer your question with satisfaction.

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