
Anggoro P avatar image
Anggoro P asked Mischa Spelt commented

interpreting list synchronization

Hi, I have a question regarding how to interpret the captured result from my simulation

Here I have a plant, a DC, and demands. My idea is to model the DC in the form of list. Production is pushed ans stored in DC. When there is a demand, it will pull from the list (DC) if not available, it will be sink as lost sales. After I run it for a while. I got some tokens still in push to DC. Virtually, it seems that they haven't went inside the DC. Meanwhile, in DC, there are also several products stored.

After reading about list synchronization, it seems that my interpretation is wrong. Some tokens are still in push to DC because production rate is bigger than customer demand rate. If that is the case, is that correct if the total inventory = tokens still in push to DC + tokens in List: DC?

So, what exactly is tokens inside list: DC?

Thanks so much


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1 Answer

Mischa Spelt avatar image
Mischa Spelt answered Mischa Spelt commented

Hi Anggoro,

The activity block at the bottom of your screenshot does not have a Sink activity. So even tokens that have been pulled from the list, will remain in the activity, simply because they have nowhere to go!

Also I don't understand the "Scrapping" activity - if I were you I'd have a look at the "max. wait timer" option on the pull activity. You can use that to reroute a token to an alternative destination (such as output connector 2) if the pull does not succeed within a given time.

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Anggoro P avatar image Anggoro P commented ·
@Mischa Spelt

In another word, the number at the bottom just shows the accumulated tokens produced, doesn't it? And although some tokens have been pulled from the list, it doesn't mean that they merged with 'customer demand' tokens, right?

So it's better to make a sink below the push to DC activity, because it would only delete the tokens that have been pulled from the list.

Thanks Mischa!

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Mischa Spelt avatar image Mischa Spelt commented ·

Hi @Anggoro P. No tokens are getting "merged": what the customer demand tokens pull from the list is a reference to the production token: the pulled tokens continue going through their own flow (as you can see when you add another activity such as a Delay or Custom Code below the Push) and the pulling tokens just point to them. If you look at the Pulled label on the Customer Demand tokens, you will see that it says something like "id: xxx" - this is not really a token but basically just the unique ID that all tokens get when they are created. If you add a Sink, you will see the reference change to "0x0": if you destroy the tokens that the pullers point to, they won't be pointing to anything anymore! If you want to keep the pulled reference valid, you should keep the tokens that you put on the list alive until all pullers are done with them.

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