
Maxim H avatar image
Maxim H asked Maxim H commented

Custom Flowitems

How do I save my custom flowitems so I can reuse them in another process?

Thanks in advance.


FlexSim 17.2.3
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Jeff Nordgren avatar image Jeff Nordgren commented ·
@Maxim H

Check out Creating Cutsom Lbject Libraries in the online User Manual. You can find it in the Contents tab under "Using 3D Objects>Creating Custom Objects and Animations>Creating Custom Object Libraries".

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Maxim H avatar image Maxim H commented ·

Sorry, I see how to add new libraries and objects... but what about flowitems? I have made a custom pallet and gaylord(tote) and want to save them but cant.

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Steven Hamoen avatar image
1 Like"
Steven Hamoen answered Steven Hamoen edited

@Maxim H in the flowitem bin if you right click on the object itself ( in the 3d view) there is an option to add the object to a userlibrary

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David Seo avatar image
David Seo answered

@Maxim H

Briefly I comment how to custom the flowitem.

You can use the flowitem bin like above to make your item customized.

Click + icon in the Flowitem and can select the menu of New Basic Flowitem - Box and New Container Flowitem - Tote or Pallette.

You can change the shape to your designed 3d file shape and size.

flow-item-bin.png (22.3 KiB)
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