
Mischa Spelt avatar image
Mischa Spelt asked Phil BoBo edited

WebKit errors on Windows 7

A customer of ours was running FlexSim 17.0.2 on Windows 7 Enterprise edition and after upgrading to 17.0.5 (initially) got the following error:

On FlexSim 17.0.11, instead of error 182 they get error 5:

After continuing it later appears as the earlier seen error code 182 when opening the Experimenter.

On my recommendation, based on another post here at Answers, they have already installed the Visual C++ Runtime redistributable from but it did not fix the problem.

Although it seems like the problem may have been solved in 18.0.0, we would still like to know what more to install, if possible, to get FlexSim 17.0 running on their computer. It's worth noting that they are on a fairly locked down computer, so updates are strictly controlled and installing anything beyond that is quite a lengthy process for them.

FlexSim 17.0.11
flexsim 2017webkitvisual c++ redistributable for visual studio 2015.
webkiterror11.png (221.5 KiB)
webkiterror.png (186.1 KiB)
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo answered Phil BoBo edited

The problem still exists in 17.0 when you have both 17.0 and 18.0 installed?

If 18.0 is working correctly, then 17.0 shouldn't have any issues with missing dependencies; 18.0 should have installed them.

18.0 is built with the Visual Studio 2017 platform toolset (v141) though, instead of the Visual Studio 2013 toolset (v120) that 17.0 uses. Maybe that's making a difference?

The WebKit dlls haven't been updated since 16.1. FlexSim 17.0 and 18.0 are using the same version of WebKit.

I also don't understand why 17.0.2 would work and then upgrading to 17.0.5 would break it.

· 5
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