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IT Asset asked Jacob Gillespie answered

How can I change the AGV task executor visual to be a forklift?

I'm using the default AGV task executor in my model but I would like to have it shown as a fork truck and not an AGV. When I try to replace the .3ds file with the one from the default fork truck I notice it only has part of the fork truck (not the wheels and forks). Is there a simple way to acheive what I'm after?

FlexSim 17.2.5
agvtask executervisuals3ds
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Jacob Gillespie avatar image
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Jacob Gillespie answered

You can save the visuals of the ForkLift and then load them onto the AGV.

visuals.png (34.9 KiB)
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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Joerg Vogel edited

Manual 3 Steps approach:

  1. copy the visual treenode of transporter (Forklift) in its attribute tree to the visual node of the taskexecuter (AGV).[ ctrl +c for copy the node, ctrl + v for insert the node]
  2. Open the tool Edit Selected Object (Main menu View > Edit Selected Object)
    Select the AGV (red wire frame) and highlight the Forklift (yellow wire frame)
  3. Hit the Button Visuals and Shape Factors in the group Copy From Highlighted
    Hit the Button Size in the same group
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