
Arno Chan avatar image
Arno Chan asked Arno Chan edited

Send a message to an HTML page and display it

For example, I have a warning message, like this

I want to put it on an HTML page, similar to using the alert("I am, too!").

For example, display on the interface.

How can I do it? Please excuse my bad English. If you have any questions, please point out in time. Thank you.

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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
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Joerg Vogel answered Arno Chan edited

Hello Arno, perhaps web communication is that what you are looking for.

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Arno Chan avatar image Arno Chan commented ·

Thanks! I have seen it and I see a way to use "callwebscriptmethod()". But I don't know how to do it.Could you help me? or Do you have a small case to share? Thanks again!

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Ben Wilson avatar image Ben Wilson ♦♦ Arno Chan commented ·

@Arno Chan,

This comment has a sample model with an example of using callwebscriptmethod().

You could also view the command documentation, or these other questions.

Hopefully those will be helpful. If you get stuck with any aspect of callwebscriptmethod(), please start a new question on that topic.


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Arno Chan avatar image Arno Chan commented ·

Hello, @Ben Wilson. About the method callwebscriptmethod(), I have some questions. The first parameter of this method is a node type variable that is reference to an html widget of the GUI builder. If a page isn't developed in this way, how should I do it? For example, the page is the following.

Could you understand my expression? Thanks again!

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