
Sandeep Kumar I avatar image
Sandeep Kumar I asked Sandeep Kumar I commented

How to refer a variable in experimenter and define scenarios?

I am trying to run a simple experiment for various values of the variable interarrivaltime in the source. It doesn't take into account the values of the scenarios defined, ending up throwing the same results for all scenarios. Please help. Thank you. 1machinemodel.fsm

FlexSim 18.0.2
experimenter variable
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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
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Jordan Johnson answered Sandeep Kumar I commented


I changed the model to get this to work. I created a Global Table called Inputs. In that table, I put the values the model will use, in this case, the inter-arrival time of the source. I then changed the source, so that it reads the table. I also changed the Experimenter to update the value in the table. The experimenter now works correctly.

It is more difficult to change a script via the experimenter, rather than just a number. The inter-arrival time of the source is a script (text) rather than a number value. This approach makes the script static, but has it read a dynamic number from a table.

This approach scales very well, as you add more variables to the model.

machinemodel-1.fsm (19.7 KiB)
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