
Kelsey Anderson avatar image
Kelsey Anderson asked Ben Wilson edited

My new Flexsim license for HC 5.3 won't work with Flexsim 2018

I have a flexsim HC license that in previous versions also worked with general HC. I upgraded the latest version of both softwares and now I am unable to use Flexsim 2018 with the HC license. The limit on objects remains and When I open it tells me I need to upgrade my license. The Flexsim HC 5.3 works fine.

FlexSim HC 5.3.0
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1 Answer

Ben Wilson avatar image
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Ben Wilson answered Ben Wilson edited

Hi @Kelsey Anderson,

A FlexSim HC 5.3 license will also work to license FlexSim Simulation Software through version 7.5. You can download version 7.5 from within your FlexSim Account. Click the "More Versions" button and scroll down until you find 7.5.4.

For information on obtaining a license that will work with newer versions of regular FlexSim, please contact your local FlexSim representative directly via phone or email.

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