
Fatimah EA avatar image
Fatimah EA asked Fatimah EA edited

Prioritizing emergencies and blocking rooms

Software: Flexsim HC 5.3.2

Good Day,

I’ve stumbled across another obstacle.

I have three PCIs: 1xEmergeny with acuity 3, 2xBed with acuity 1 and 3xWalk with one acuity 2 and two acuity 1.

Here is what my model should do:

If for instance an emergency patient (EP) arrives after an Acuity 1 walking Patient (WP1), which would mean WP1 is already inside the dressing room, I want the model to prioritize the EP and send him into the CT scanner although the WP1 has been waiting longer.

Second I want to set an entrance criterion on the dressing rooms. If there is a patient already in the CTArea or PrepAreas I want them to stay waiting in the waiting room till the CT isn’t occupied anymore.

Here is what actually happens:

If WP1 is in the dressing room and EP arrives Ep doesn’t get prioritized.

If the CT is occupied patients walk to the dressing room and wait there instead of in the waiting room.

When I try to set a criterion or trigger it just doesn’t work since I’m fairly new to this and still don’t know how to use those properly. I also tried to change the selection criteria of the nurse but had the same problem there.

Also: If someone could tell me why the CT Nurse stays at the CT with the patient while doing the scan or runs into the dressing room I’d be very grateful.

FlexSim HC (other - please specify)
FlexSim HC 5.3.4
triggeremergencyacuityentrance criteria
testmodell.fsm (522.2 KiB)
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Cliff King avatar image
Cliff King answered

Unfortunately, a week has gone by and noone has replied to your post. I just discovered your post, and would like to give you some concrete direction, but this may take me some time, so while you're waiting, here's a couple ideas to think about.

First of all, did you know that the "Based on destination status" pick list option in the Patient Destination field allows you to specify an interim destination? This may help resolve your one requirement for not letting patients go to the dressing area (interim destination) until the CT area (final destination) is available.

The other idea I wanted to suggest was the use of the Activity Started Trigger pick list option called "Reserve location and bump occupants if necessary" to remove patients from the CT area when an emergency patient arrives. The pick list option "bumps" a patient out of an area by terminating the patient's current activity that is keeping them in the area and then it assumes the patient will leave naturally by the dependent activity beginning.

These are the two ideas I will be using to tackle this problem when I get the time. You might want to try them yourself in the mean time.

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Cliff King avatar image
Cliff King answered Fatimah EA edited

See if this model does what you're looking for. I noticed your background image was not to scale, so I also scaled it and rebuilt the model for you as well. Let me know if things aren't working the way you want.


testmodell-2.fsm (496.4 KiB)
· 1
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Fatimah EA avatar image Fatimah EA commented ·

Thank you for your hard work! Sadly this model doesn't work either, at least for me. As you can see in the screenshot the patients arriving after the first Bed Patient won't get released from the waiting room.

I did already find a workaround though. I don't know if this is the most efficient way to get the result that I need but it worked. I used Activity Started and Finished triggers mainly.


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