
Axel Kohonen avatar image
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Axel Kohonen asked Axel Kohonen commented

35 character limit on bundle string length?


It seems that there is a limit of 35 characters on the string length in a bundle table. If I have the table in non-bundle mode then the string can be longer, but if I change it to bundle the string is abbreviated without notice except the normal bundle notice that data types must be the same in the columns, etc.

Earlier I found that there is a 35 character limit also for activity names in the token trace profiles as outlined here.

Is this limit still by design? And any plans on when the limit will be set to a higher value?

Same issue in FlexSim versions 17.2.5 and 18.0.3.

Kind regards,


FlexSim 17.2.5
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered Axel Kohonen commented

This is from the documentation for the addbundlefield command:


(node datanode, str fieldname, num type[, num maxstrsize])


Adds a field to the bundle with the given field name. The type is a bitwise flag that must be one of the following values:

BUNDLE_FIELD_TYPE_DOUBLE : stores a 64-bit double
BUNDLE_FIELD_TYPE_FLOAT : stores a 32-bit float
BUNDLE_FIELD_TYPE_INT : stores a 32-bit integer
BUNDLE_FIELD_TYPE_STR : stores a string. If used, you should also define the maximum string size, which will be the space allocated for each string entry. If maxstrsize is unspecified, the default will be 32 bytes. The field will be able to store strings at least as long as the specified length, and any longer strings will be truncated.

Notice the explanation about maxstrsize. String bundle fields default to 32 bytes. Although, you can use this addbundlefield command to set up the fields yourself and specify whatever string length you want.

As far as I know, there are no plans to raise this default amount. If you feel we should, feel free to email dev or create an idea here.

Also, Jordan recommends using a stats collector to make an Item Trace chart which will handle long activity names better.

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