
Abdalla O avatar image
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Abdalla O asked Emily Hardy edited

How to make a task executor load more than one item using process flow

hello flexsim great community,

i'm trying to make a task executor to load more than one item using batching in the queue but it doesn't work. my model is a supply chain and at the end a customer pulls the items from a dc to a sink, i want to make the customer to pull more than one item

attached the model


FlexSim 16.2.2
process flowtask executerload activity
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
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Matthew Gillespie answered Abdalla O commented

I flipped your list logic for customers. Instead of the items pulling customers, now the customers pull items. This way you have more control over how many items the customer should grab. I set it up so each customer takes exactly 5 boxes. I'm also using a Max Wait timer so the customers still go to the SadCustomers sink after 3 seconds.


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