
Ofentse M avatar image
Ofentse M asked Ofentse M commented

how to set timetable as a variable in experimenter

Hello guys

i have a problem here. I'm doing a simple simulation for traffic signals in an intersection. i used 4 processors (one for each road) to act as the intersection, and conveyors as the different 4 roads/streets. Then i used a timetable to make the processors to act as traffic lights (when one processor is working, the other 3 are idling)..The fire plan (time) used in the timetable is (40,40,30,30) for road 1 to road 4 respectively. Now the problem am having is to make use an experimenter for scenarios with different fire plans (time) for the processors,or to find the right time to make the intersection optimized. i cant find an option that allows timetable to be used as a variable in the experimenter..any suggestions please?

FlexSim (other - please specify)
FlexSim (other)
experimenter variable selection
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1 Answer

asb.p avatar image
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asb.p answered Ofentse M commented


While defining variables in experimenter you can use Enable Time Table variable to switch the time tables on and off.

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Ofentse M avatar image Ofentse M commented ·

Thank you so much so your helpful comment asb.praneeth..The thing is am using and old version so some this functions are not easy to find..thanks to you i managed to find the function..I have few more questions though. i used the time tables as the scenario variable and processor 1 output as performance measures. now when i put different times to the scenarios the results come out the same.. i dont know if i should create a group that includes all the four processors for the results to come out different.if so, how do i create a i said am using an old version and function are not the same as what i get from the manual. What i want to achieve is to find the suitable cycle time for the intersection. i tried to attach my model but my computer/internet is acting up. any suggestion on how to use the experimenter the way described?..i will try to attach the model again.


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Ofentse M avatar image Ofentse M commented ·
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final-model.fsm (104.1 KiB)