
Björn A avatar image
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Björn A asked Matthew Gillespie answered

How to push objects to a global list in a process flow?


FlexSim 18.0.3
process flow lists
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered

The Push to List and Pull from List activities by default make the token wait until something happens on the other side (something pulls the thing you pushed or there is something for you to pull). So to use these activities using their default behavior you need to have separate tokens/objects pulling than pushing.

However, you can override this default waiting behavior which is useful in some situations. On a Push to List activity you can stop the token waiting by checking the Use Max Wait Timer box and checking the Keep On List On Early Release box. This will cause the token to stop waiting and not remove the entry on the list when leaving the activity.

If you haven't already done so, I would recommend going through the tutorials in the manual that walk you through a lot of these list options.

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