
Xu Chunqi avatar image
Xu Chunqi asked Joerg Vogel answered

TRAVELTOLOC doesn't release agv

Dear everyone,

Now I use the PF to control my model , and I meet a problem.

The picture above is a AGV network, and there are two agvs in it. The road is using the Default Accumulation. The control point's Max Allacation is enough,and the Deallacation Type is "deallacate when past curret ".

At one time, agv2 travel to the cp1,and agv1 wait near by. But agv1's destination is cp1,so I use the traveltoloc activity in PF to move agv2 to its 3 meters left. The agv2 travels, but agv1 doesn't move.

I check agv1's state which is blocked, and agv2 appears in cp1's allocations node .

I suspect that the mechanism of TRAVELTOLOC activity lead to this result.

I try to use the "agvreassigncp" command to release the agv1 in cp1 ,which released, but the token in the agv1's TRAVEL activity doesn't move and agv1 still stay at where it stay now.

I am wondering if there is any solution for this problem I meet, if there is not, I have to create many control points in my agv network and use TRAVEL instead of TRAVELTO which seems to be a stupid method.

Forgive me of my poor English, wish for ur reply.

Thanks very much.

Best regards

FlexSim 18.1.0
process flowagv networktravel to loc
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered

@Shiny Xu, your suspicion is correct. The mechanism of Traveltoloc doesn't fit to the AGV module. The module uses traveling on paths or in the whole on a network with pre given stations. The task Traveltoloc lets a taskexecuter travel offset of a network or path. This mechanism is free of any path. You can say the AGV module is a railway network. It can't act as a person which is free of any railways.

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