
Julian Sundermeier avatar image
Julian Sundermeier asked Julian Sundermeier commented

Breakdowns only if a preocessor is busy?

Hi everyone,

is it possible, that a breakdown on a processor only occurs, while the processor is busy?

In the default setting of the MTBT/MTTR, breakdowns occur on a processor even if the processor does not process any item (=he is idle). My consideration was to test in the downfunction whether the affected processor is working or not. For some inexplicable reasons, this does not work.

Maybe you can help me?


FlexSim 7.5.4
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Julian Sundermeier commented

Would you build a new model and use the standard procedure:

Please create a MTBFMTTR from the Toolbox, set the parameters on the Tab Functions, add Members and then switch to the Tab Breakdowns and Apply MTBF to a set of states, choose the states from the left column to apply to and push >> them to the right column.

Your uploaded model behaves strange in the version 7.3.6. If I build the model on my own and use the above structure the breakdowns occurs only when there is an item on the Processor.

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Julian Sundermeier avatar image Julian Sundermeier commented ·

Thank you!

I forgot about the Tab "Breakdowns". Now, it works even without strange behavior.

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