
Alexis B avatar image
Alexis B asked Raja Sekaran commented

Round Robin restart at 0

Hello everyone.

Is it possible to make a round robin distribution which restart for each sequence ?

Here is explain what I want : Here

Thank you

FlexSim 18.1.1
round robinrestart
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1 Answer

Raja Sekaran avatar image
Raja Sekaran answered Alexis B commented
@Alexis B

Attached the model with changes.

In this attached model, I have assigned the row number to each created token and reset the output stats of the "Decide?" activity based on the token row number.

Using the below code in "Decide?" activity to reset the output stats

  1. if(current.curTokenIndex != current.preTokenIndex)
  2. {
  3. model().find("Tools/ProcessFlow/ProcessFlow/Decide?").as(Object).stats.output.reset();
  4. }
  5. int output = getstat(activity, "Output", STAT_CURRENT, current);
  6. return (output % nrop(activity)) + 1;


Hope this helps


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