
Cyrine S avatar image
Cyrine S asked Cyrine S commented

Change Location of items while packing using a combiner


While using a combiner to pack tote items on a cart, I couldn't change the location of the totes in order to pack them properly. Anyone have an idea of how to change the location of the tote items please ? (i attached the model for more details) modelnum2.fsm

Thank you in advance!

FlexSim 18.1.1
tote.png (71.7 KiB)
modelnum2.fsm (362.8 KiB)
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1 Answer

David Seo avatar image
David Seo answered Cyrine S commented

@Cyrine S

You can change the packing method of the cart from 'default' to 'simple' like Tote or BAK or KE7 in Flowitem Bin.

And then you can customize how to locate the totes in the cart to modify the script of packing method.

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