
Kamil KS avatar image
Kamil KS asked Sebastian Hemmann commented

How to set a token (transporter) to busy mode after 15 min of waiting for Event?


Can I set a transporter to the busy mode in PF after 15 minutes of Waiting for an Event ? After that Event happens it need to start doing procces again.

I am trying to get the data from a model but there are sometimes downtowns in production and I don't want to count that time for transporter as an idle but as a busy.

Could you please help me ? Kamil KS


FlexSim 18.2.0
process flow
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1 Answer

Sebastian Hemmann avatar image
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Sebastian Hemmann answered Sebastian Hemmann commented

You can use the "Max Wait Timer" in your "Wait for Event" Acitivity and say that if the time is reached, the token has to leave the Activity on another connection.

In the picture to Destination 2. And there you can have a "Set State" Activity or do anythin else.

maxwaittimer.png (50.4 KiB)
· 2
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Kamil KS avatar image Kamil KS commented ·

Thank you very much. I've done something like this transportationlogic-v07.fsm

It is working but there are 2 same decision points and I could probably avoid one but I can't imagine how to fix it.

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Sebastian Hemmann avatar image Sebastian Hemmann Kamil KS commented ·

I´ve attached my solution.16023-transportationlogic-v07-flexsim20182-sh.fsm But I´m sure there are many different ways to do it.

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