
Alex Q avatar image
Alex Q asked Jordan Johnson answered

Error on reset


We (myself and @Matt K ) are having the error come up here:

exception: Exception caught in TreeNode::receivemessage() exception: Executive::__reset() exception: int Executive::reset() exception: reset

Its not allowing us to reset, and we tried to isolate the first process to figure out whats going on with it.

FlexSim 18.2.2
error messagereset
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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered

There are two main problems with this model. The first is that somehow, all the state profiles for your objects were changed to Level tracked variables instead of Categorical tracked variables. Not sure how that happened, but I ran this script to fix it:

  1. forobjecttreeunder(model()) {
  2. treenode stateNode = state_current(a);
  3. if (!objectexists(stateNode))
  4. continue;
  5. if (! || != STAT_TYPE_CATEGORICAL) {
  6. TrackedVariable.init(stateNode, STAT_TYPE_CATEGORICAL, 0, STAT_USE_PROFILE);
  7. }
  8. }

That way, the 3D view stops throwing exceptions.

The next problem was an activity that was broken. When I deleted the main process flow, the reset problem went away. So I narrowed my search to that flow, and found a strange thing:

It seems like that activity should be a Wait for Event, not an Event Triggered Source. Also, the event needs to be a name, like "OnEntry", not a reference to a group. Be sure that the event is correct.

Here is a model where I ran the script, and replaced the Event Triggered Source with a Wait for Event called Fix This. The current model doesn't throw the error on reset. However, It does look like there is more corruption in the Process Flows that were installed from Chart Templates. They aren't working correctly, and the connectors look very strange. You may have to delete those.


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