Hi !
I have a setup matrix for a processor and a combiner as in the test model attached. They both should have a 15mn setup when a new type of product arrives. Yet only the combiner has the 15mn, the processor has only 1mn, which is the time before the next product comes in the processor. Does this mean that the new product cancels the setup in the processor ? Am I modelling something wrong ? If no how to avoid this behavior ?
The setup time in the chart for the processor is actually equal to the whole part of the time between two products. If one product arrives every 2mns the displayed setup time will be 2mns.
Yet the actual setup time for the product of the next type is in fact 15minutes, but only for the first product of the new type. the products that follows the first one with a different type are actually finished before the first one finishes setup.
So during the setup the processor continues to produce the previous parts (and the next one execpt the first new product) and is hence in state "processing". Would it be possible, when a new type arrives, to wait for the machine to finish producing the previous types and then starts with the setup, and once the setup is finished continue with the normal production, and all that for a processor ?
Best regards,