
Victor Alejandro HT avatar image
Victor Alejandro HT asked Joerg Vogel edited

How to get the max content statistics of a conveyor system?

Hi all,

I want to get the max content of a conveyor system ( made of 3 conveyor elements). I tried with the composite WIP chart but it only show the current content of the system. I tried with the statistic collector but register the max content of every single conveyor element and also tried with the old legacy templates but still doesn´t show the number I need. I attached an image and the model.


Thanks for your support.


FlexSim 18.2.2
conveyor system
1.png (64.9 KiB)
conveyor-system.fsm (33.1 KiB)
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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Joerg Vogel commented

It is the current content of all conveyors whenever an Item enters or exits the system. You can set a tracked variable to the value of the current contents of the conveyors. Or you can calculate the sum of the current content from the statistic of the conveyors by a calcluated table. 17016-conveyor-system-jv.fsm

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Victor Alejandro HT avatar image Victor Alejandro HT commented ·

Thank you @Jörg Vogel I will go for the tracked variable option.

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Victor Alejandro HT avatar image Victor Alejandro HT Victor Alejandro HT commented ·

Hi @Jörg Vogel, I tried to apply your solution to my bigger model but it appears the followin error:

I also noticed that I can not write the full formula in the statistic collector, I need the sum of 10 values and I only can sum 6 due to lack of space in the value field.

Do you have any idea, how can I solve this problem. Thanks in advance.



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duda.fsm (2.9 MiB)
error.png (10.6 KiB)
error2.png (18.8 KiB)
Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel Victor Alejandro HT commented ·

@Victor Alejandro HT, you can try to add more source code directly in the code editor (icon parchment roll) right of the field. The source code line ends then with a semicolon. If the line gets to long you can write in the next line further. The end of the command is the semicolon.

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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Joerg Vogel edited

There is an object in the tree which controls all conveyors. It is called "ConveyorSystem". Therein is a coupling node that contains all items on all conveyors. If you find an attribute that you can use to limit the conveyors, you can count the items by a table query over this node.

Object conveySystem = model().find("ConveyorSystem");
treenode conveyItems = conveySystem.attrs.variables.subnodes["items"];
double data = Table.query("SELECT COUNT($2) FROM $1 WHERE $2 LIKE 'Con%'",
    /*$1*/ conveyItems.subnodes.length, 
    /*$2*/ conveyItems.subnodes[$iter(1)][1][1];
print("items on Conveyors name starting with Con ",data);

Here is the attribute the name of the conveyors starting with "Con". The attached model contains other conveyors,which names start with "veyor".

I didn't find a more elegant way to get to the name than the several ups after getting the value of the queried node. Typically a table is the result of a query, but the count clause writes the value in the first cell of such a table. Then the result can be evaluated to a number value.


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