
wonjo P avatar image
wonjo P asked wonjo P commented

Can I insert 3D model directly such as warehouse, and so on?


I don't know that insert the 3D model directly without Visual object such as Plan, Shape, and so on.

and.... How can I set the color matched original 3D models ?

Thank you very much for answering

FlexSim 19.0.0
3d shape
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1 Answer

Sam Stubbs avatar image
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Sam Stubbs answered wonjo P commented

You can import media files, including 3D objects, by selecting from the menu View > Media Files. From this window you can browse and import 3D files without using a 3D shape or plane. As far as default color goes, that is determined by the "materials" description in the original 3D shape's file, you should be able to determine that in the software you're using to create the shape.

mediafiles.png (29.7 KiB)
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wonjo P avatar image wonjo P commented ·

@Sam Stubbs, Thank you so much. I can insert 3D object. Would I ask you a question?

I know that STL file hasn't information on color and texture. so, What does type of file have a color information? I can use Rhinoceros5, sketchup, and Adobe Photoshop.

Thank you.

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