
Tomas A avatar image
Tomas A asked Tomas A commented

Problem with process flow


Regarding the following simulation.


Can anyone tell me why the operator can't unload the cylinder at the "Potting_PMS" processor?

Why is the operator going to pick up the pack of cylinders that are coming out from the "MQL2" at the opposite side of the work cell?

Thanks in advance!

Tomás Álvaro

process flowlabel assignment
2op.fsm (192.7 KiB)
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1 Answer

Sam Stubbs avatar image
Sam Stubbs answered Tomas A commented

It runs into an error, because the item the Operator is trying to unload was deleted in another activity. Thus it can't unload an object that doesn't exist

Here is where you destroy the item:

Then here is where you try to unload the destroyed item:

destroyitem.png (101.8 KiB)
itemdestroyed.png (52.7 KiB)
· 1
5 |100000

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