
Idoia A avatar image
Idoia A asked Idoia A commented

Problems importing 3D object

I downloaded a 3D object from 3D warehouse, I want to use it to customize the visual shape a forklift. The problem is that when I import it the forklift is not replaced, both, the new object and the forklift are shown. In addition, when I run the model, the forklift is scaled to the new object's size, both are shown overlapped.

Is there something that needs to be changed in properties in order to avoid this? I am working with Flexsim 17.2.4., I attach pictures.



FlexSim (other)
FlexSim (other - please specify)
importing 3d files
3d-object.png (92.6 KiB)
error.png (347.9 KiB)
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Idoia A commented

The forklift (transporter) doesn't consist of a single shape. It is an animation structure of several objects. Please open the general tab of the transporter properties window.

Then you activate the Edit button in the field Visuals/Animation. The Animation creator opens. At the bottom you find a structure with eye icons as nodes.

You can deactivate the visibility of each node by clicking on the eyes. Then only the replaced / imported shape stays visible.

In my pictures is this the side skirt of an conveyor.

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Idoia A avatar image Idoia A commented ·

Thank you, it worked!

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