
David H3 avatar image
David H3 asked David H3 commented

Change animation drawsurrogate object

Hi everybody,

it's probably an easy problem, but I couldn't solve it for hours now. I'm not that experienced to flexsim though.

I have a model with process flow and I have people carrying around objects. However, I want the obejcts (in the example below a box) to belong to the people's animations as a drawsurrogate, because of several reasons. Now that I have that, I want the drawsurrogate object to change or to disappear when the person arrives at a cetrain point in the model (here queue 1).

I would be really thankful if someone could help me, I attacht an example model below.

Kindly , David


FlexSim 18.1.2
example.fsm (132.9 KiB)
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Joshua S avatar image
1 Like"
Joshua S answered David H3 commented

You will want to add the box or whatever object as a animation variable as shown in the picture below. I replaced your Change Visual with 1 line of custom code that turns off the visuals of the surrogate object.


pic1.png (8.9 KiB)
18000-example.fsm (23.8 KiB)
· 1
5 |100000

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