
Kamil KS avatar image
Kamil KS asked Joshua S commented

Can I set the object Max Conent using code ?


I was looking in the Tree but there was only possibilites to get max content value from the model. Is there any possibility to set max content value from table e.g on model reset ?

FlexSim 19.0.2
max content
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
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Joerg Vogel answered Joshua S commented

It is a variable in the tree. Then you can set the variable value. If you change this value and you use the transport option to get flow items into the object, please take into account that this variable is evaluated in the combination of the variable "nroftransportsin".

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Kamil KS avatar image Kamil KS commented ·

What command should I use to set this variable ? For example I want to set maxcontent of this variable below for 6.

model().find("BL4>variables/maxcontent") = 6

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Joshua S avatar image Joshua S Kamil KS commented ·

This is an example for changing the max content of a queue

getvarnode(Model.find("Queue1"), "maxcontent").value=6;
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