
Victor Alejandro HT avatar image
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Victor Alejandro HT asked Victor Alejandro HT commented

Does FlexSim support the new Oculus Rift S?

Hi all,

I am about to start a Flexsim/VR project so I will buy a new laptop with VR recommended specs and Oculust Rift, but right now the CV1 is not available anymore so I am thinking to buy the new Rift S that it is supposed to be on the market next month. I have red that it will work with the same platform and will work with the same games. Flexsim it is not a game, so do you think I will face troubles with the new Oculus Hardware creating Flexsim models? Do you think is better to get a second hand CV1 in order to avoid problems?

Thanks for your advice.

FlexSim 18.2.3
vroculus rift
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Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo answered Victor Alejandro HT commented

We received the Oculus Rift S, and it works very well with FlexSim.

The Good

The Rift S has an improved display, so the graphics look better (much reduced screen-door effect).

Also, the screen's display rate is now 80 Hz instead of 90, with asynchronous spacewarp kicking in if you drop between 40 and 80 FPS. That should be good for running slightly larger models in VR than we could on the previous version of the headset.

The new tracking system seems to work really well.

The Bad

Oculus has deprecated buffered haptic feedback for the Rift S controllers, so STICK_VR_SUBMIT_VIBRATION does not work with the Rift S controllers. Sample models will need to use STICK_VR_SET_VIBRATION to vibrate the controllers instead. I'll update the stick() documentation to reflect that change for the next bugfix release.

Many of the existing FlexSim VR sample models use STICK_VR_SUBMIT_VIBRATION for vibrating the controllers, so we'll need to update those in order to get the vibrations working on the Rift S controllers.

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Ben Wilson avatar image
Ben Wilson answered Phil BoBo converted comment to answer

Hi @Victor Alejandro HT,

We expect the Rift S will work with FlexSim. We are planning on obtaining one as soon as they are available to verify compatibility with FlexSim.

We'll update this post with further information as it becomes available.

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