Does FlexSim have a display mode compatible 3D stereo immersive display such as a cave system?
Does FlexSim have a display mode compatible 3D stereo immersive display such as a cave system?
FlexSim has display modes for rendering in stereoscopic 3D using top-bottom rendering, side-to-side, and quad-buffered OpenGL. Recently, we also added Oculus Rift support as well.
Several FlexSim users have used our software within cave VR environments, but our company has not directly been involved with the development to make that happen. They were able to do it without any modifications to our application from us.
One such company was TechViz in France:
Hi, can flexsim output work directly in Techviz for headset output as well?
Hi @Anand S,
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Thanks @Ben Wilson. I will post as a separate question.
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