
Suhas H2 avatar image
Suhas H2 asked Joshua S commented

Mimiking the ped welding behavior

In the attached model.test1.fsm

I have an issue with the robot. I want to mimik the following activity For Robot2 :

1. Robot 2 travel to proc1

2.Robot 2 welding processes

3.Robot 2 travel back to home position.(Part should wait till it reaches back home).

For Robot3

1.Robot 3 pick the part

2.Robot 3 ped weld it at proc2

3.Robot 3 Place it on the queue1

Thanks in advance

FlexSim 19.0.2
robotweldingped welding
test1.fsm (52.8 KiB)
5 |100000

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1 Answer

José Antonio MD avatar image
José Antonio MD answered Joshua S commented

Hello @Suhas H2,

I attached a model with the solution.

The first problem is that you did not assign the reference to the item in the PFYour problem is that you did not assign the reference in the PF of the piece that was entering the machine.

If you want to Wait until the Robot 2 travel to home, you can check this option in your "Travel to .." activities.

I hope I have been helpful.

sol-01-png.png (6.6 KiB)
sol-01.fsm (53.7 KiB)
· 6
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Suhas H2 avatar image Suhas H2 commented ·

@José Antonio MD,

Thanks for the reply

I want the robot 3 to actually mimick the ped weld behavior. I.e, The pickup(load) from proc1 is say 3sec and then travel to proc2 in 3sec, then ped weld happens there for 6secs, then it travels to queue at 4secs and unloads there for 3secs.

The load and unload happens just once in whole process if u observe.. But in the flexsim model it(load and unload) happens twice.

How to have different move ,unload and load times for the same robot?

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José Antonio MD avatar image José Antonio MD Suhas H2 commented ·

Hello @Suhas H2,

You can edit these parameter in the Robot properties.

You can change the LoadTime and UnloadTime in the Robot's Menu (in your model, the time needed for this activities is 0 seconds). You can edit the move time in the same Menu.

You can reference this value to labels, GlobalTable, etc.

I hope I have been helpful.

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Suhas H2 avatar image Suhas H2 commented ·

@José Antonio MD

I think the question was not framed properly by me.

I want to have different move times I.e., for example if the robot loads the part from Proc1 and moves to proc2 at 3secs and after some processes moves from proc2 to queue at 2secs......Here I cant take the average time...

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Joshua S avatar image Joshua S Suhas H2 commented ·

@Suhas H2

Can you give a better explanation of the movements you want? Do you want the Robot to physically move, or just move its arms? Also what @José Antonio MD is suggesting is a way to customize the move/load/unload times based on a table that you can reference, or you can add a bunch of case statements based upon the next destination. Also PED welders are extremely customized so you will need to add these animations and movements to the robot yourself to get the visuals you desire.

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Suhas H2 avatar image Suhas H2 Joshua S commented ·

Thank you for the reply @Joshua S

Can you please share a sample model of customizing using code(add a bunch of case statements based upon the next destination)..

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