
Ilaria B avatar image
Ilaria B asked Braydn T commented

Problem with process flow


I have a problem with my model,at a certain point doesn't work and the simulation stops, I don't understand why. The problem seems to be on the 3rd conveyor where the operator doesn't see the box coming for process. The situation i would like to model is an operator working on a single item. If the operator is busy at the station, the other coming box wait at the beginning of the conveyor. The model is attached.




FlexSim 16.0.9
process flowoperator
ml10.fsm (126.7 KiB)
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Raja Sekaran avatar image
Raja Sekaran answered Braydn T commented
@Ilaria B

I have reattached your model with the changes. You have placed the Station (Station 59) on the top of Decision point (DP1) at the end of the conveyor. So what is happening in the model is, the item arrives at the station59 first then it arrives at the decision point. That is the reason why the model is not functioning properly.


Hope this helps.


conveyor-dp-v1.fsm (126.8 KiB)
· 2
5 |100000

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