If an AGV is stopped at a control point and there are 3 different control points that he could get to without traveling through other control points, how could I get a reference to those 3 control points?
If an AGV is stopped at a control point and there are 3 different control points that he could get to without traveling through other control points, how could I get a reference to those 3 control points?
Unfortunately, due to the sensitive nature of business, my company doesn't allow uploads. Perhaps I can visualize what I'm asking for you. If the X marks where the AGV is, and the o's are the control points along the navigation network, I'd like to be able to get, in an array perhaps, the three CAPITAL O's, as they are the control points directly "adjacent" to the AGV. Hopefully this helps....
- O - - - - -o - - - - - -o
- |
- |
- X- - - - - O- - - - -o - - - - - -o
- |
- |
- O - - - - - -o - - - - -o
This requires a little manual work for each node, but here is a way to do this.
In the Properties windows of the AGV Network, add another connection type using the green plus button. Toggle the option to push it onto a list.
Now create an "A" connection from the central node to the nodes adjacent to it.
Now reset and run and you will see a new list created that has generated a partition for each of the connected nodes and the nodes it is connected to. To pull from this list, you will just need to pull from the partition based on the node you want. You can use AGV.currentCP to get the current control point it is on and use that to pull.
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