
Junwoo Kim avatar image
Junwoo Kim asked Junwoo Kim commented

Close Button on Dashboard

Hello, I'm developing multiple dashboards for a single model.

Some of my dashboards contain buttons used to open other dashboards, and I already know how to create such 'OPEN' button.

Also, I want to create buttons used to close dashboards, but I don't know how to do it.

Is there anyone who can explain how to create a 'CLOSE' button for a dashboard?


FlexSim 18.1.2
dashboardsdashboard buttonbutton
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
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Joerg Vogel answered Junwoo Kim commented

You add a Button.

The On Press Source code is:

treenode dsb = ownerobject(c).up.up;
applicationcommand("closedockedtab", dsb);

If you place the button inside of fields you need probably more ups.


Edit: If you want to close a different dashboard, you must find it in the active view tree and parse the right pointer as second parameter into the command.

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Junwoo Kim avatar image Junwoo Kim commented ·

Thanks, @Jörg Vogel , your answer is exactly what I want.

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