Hello All,
We have limited Optquest licenses when compared to flexsim licenses which are being used in different countries round the clock. The issue we are facing recently is the Optquest licenses are being blocked with some user who is away from the computer for long time. There might be cases like they might be running Optquest over night. So we cannot use TIMEOUTALL which was mentioned in the post (https://answers.flexsim.com/questions/24764/release-lan-license-seat-from-disconnected-client.html)
Is it possible to incorporate Auto call and return opt quest license only when it is used. This feature will be very useful for most of the companies using the LAN based licenses.
We have observed that users using flexsim v19.0 are getting allocated with optquest even after if they do not check the box for "Checkout optquest feature". Is there any preference to the license allocation if a organisation using multiple versions of flexsim ?
Praneeth Akondi