
Thomas Djorgie avatar image
Thomas Djorgie asked Thomas Djorgie commented

Why My Model Stop Running at Certain of Time

I made a model of Process Layout Production, the model finished when the sources are run out.

At the first time my model seems run correctly until the sources are run out. But after I configure the maximum capacity of every queue near the processor to match the real life system, it becomes stop at certain point of time without an error. I dont't know how to fix it
Please anyone can help me?
I really appreciate for your help. Thank You


FlexSim 19.0.0
modelqueue strategymodel stops runningmodel run time
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1 Answer

Joseph Gillespie avatar image
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Joseph Gillespie answered Thomas Djorgie commented

@Thomas Djorgie

The problem you are facing is because you have too many different kinds of items using the same queues. If you have two or three types of items going into the same queue and that queue reaches its maximum number of items, all of those items will be backed up, filling other queues behind it until it reaches back to your first queues. I would suggest changing which queues you send certain item types to, adding new queues, and giving some queues less items to hold. Some of your queues that I think you have too many items going to include: Queue60, Queue57, Queue48 and Queue45. When those queues fill up, the ones behind them fill too and your model comes to a stop.

Let me know if you have any questions!

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