
Daniel Z4 avatar image
Daniel Z4 asked Joseph Gillespie commented

People Module: Chose an elevator between different bank of elevator


I am facing a problem in the decision of which elevator should my patients (from the people module) take.

Do you have any idea of how I could assign a specific elevator between many elevators bank?

I tried many options, like putting the elevator bank into a group of "equipment", "transport",... and then assign it (for example transport with) but none of them recognize the elevator as a part of the people module.

So far they are taking the nearest, and even though it's not always the case (it looks like random).

I need to precise that both of my elevators are connected from the same grid of departure to the same grid of arrival, but one will be available only for the staff and the other one might be taken from both staffs and patients.

Thank you in advance,



FlexSim 19.1.1
elevatorpeople moduletransport equipment
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1 Answer

Jacob Gillespie avatar image
Jacob Gillespie answered Joseph Gillespie commented

If the elevators are for different people then I would make separate elevator banks.

You could also put a conditional barrier around the elevators that only allow through staff or patients.

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