
Diego V12 avatar image
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Diego V12 asked Diego V12 commented

Why does the pull from the transport resource not work?

Good morning!

Hereby I have model where two situations that from my point of view should lead to the same result do not.

I would like to transfer a transport resource from a first operator to a second one. I have been able to do such thing with a list but for some reason when I use the "Acquire Transport" form the people module, something is blocking the process from working. I have tried to modify the logic but without succeeding.

I attach here the model concerned by this question. Is there something I might be missing from the people module or there is no solution for such issue but "adquiring-releasing" for each resource.


Thank you very much and have a good day!

FlexSim 19.2.4
process flowpeople modulepull itemtransport equipment
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
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Matthew Gillespie answered Diego V12 commented

Releasing a resource from a different token can be a little bit tricky. I made some changes to the Create Tokens activity in the With Transport Resource container.

It now creates a child token with label access on parent only and I got rid of the label you were adding to the new token. This makes it so that the child token is basically a proxy for the parent token and it uses the parent's labels instead of looking for labels on the child token.


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