
Mark T avatar image
Mark T asked Braydn T commented

silent deploy license

I recently purchased your software and we are looking to make a remote deployment to send out to our users. I am able to make a script that will install the software but i am looking for a way to automate the ability to apply our network license. Our network license is through lmtools.Has anyone been able to automate the setting of a license

FlexSim 19.1.1
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
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Phil BoBo answered Braydn T commented

Whether you are using lmtools or lmadmin on the server side is irrelevant to the configuration on the client side.

You can do what you want by deploying a license file that contains your server address to the FlexSim installation directory on each client machine. See network license in computer lab - licensed for multiple users

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Braydn T avatar image Braydn T commented ·

@Mark T

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