
Alejandro Ulises TP avatar image
Alejandro Ulises TP asked Alejandro Ulises TP commented

Object Dispatcher is an invalid destination

chargers-simulation-error.fsmerror.pngI want to use a dispatcher with two operators for the odd processors and another dispatcher with two operators for the even processors. When I want to do that it pops up the error "Object/Dispatcher1 is an invalid destination to send item" anyone knows what am I doing wrong?

FlexSim 19.1.2
process flowdispatcherdestination errorinvalid
error.png (128.1 KiB)
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Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered Alejandro Ulises TP commented

The centerport connections on the Odd Processors are backwards from what you seem to be expecting. The processors are first connected to the decision points and then to the dispatcher. If you open the processor's properties page and go to the General tab, you can use the Ports box at the bottom to reorder the port connections. Here is a fixed version of your model:


fixed.fsm (83.0 KiB)
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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Alejandro Ulises TP commented

The centerports are interchanged at the processors (CHARGER#). The error occurs for the CHARGER1. You open the properties of the CHARGER, switch to the Generat Tab. Bottom area: Port.

Select the Central Ports. Set the rank of the DP1 from 1 to 2.

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