
Alejandro Ulises TP avatar image
Alejandro Ulises TP asked Matthew Gillespie commented

Problem with sending items in process flow


I'm having a problem I cant solve. The process flow is supposed to send items once the processors are available. Approximately at the 950 seconds of the simulation an item flow is hold in the DP1 but does not send the item flow to the processors that are available (odd processors)! It just releases the item flow once the event trigger of the even processors is activated.

It happens every time an item flow is waiting in DP1.

Anyone could guide me with this problem?

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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered Matthew Gillespie commented

The issue is with your acquire logic. First you try to acquire an Odd processor, but if that's not immediately available then you try to acquire an Even processor. But if that's not available then you send the item to DP12, but you wait until there are less than 2 boxes at DP12.

So your current logic makes it so that a box that arrives when all the Odd processors are busy will never get to go to an Odd processor.

Take a look at this updated model where I first try to acquire an Odd processor, then a DP12 spot, and then if neither is available I wait for either an Odd processor or a DP12 spot to open up and then I send the item to whichever one opens up first.


waitforopening.fsm (108.3 KiB)
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