
Conner F avatar image
Conner F asked tannerp answered

AGV problems


I am working on creating an AGV network simulation but cannot get the network to work properly. I have read through the user manual and done some of the exercises but am not sure what is going wrong here. I created a test program with one of the three lanes but the AGV doesn't seem to want to pick up the package and drop it off at the sink object like I am expecting. What am I doing wrong here?


FlexSim 19.0.4
agvagv networkagv connection
agv-sim.fsm (203.5 KiB)
5 |100000

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1 Answer

tannerp avatar image
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tannerp answered

Hi @Conner F,

Your model was close to being complete. There's just a couple things I had to add to make it work:

1) The AGV path had a handful of disconnects, which needed fixing with "Join Paths" connections

2) Processor1 didn't have any output ports, so the item wasn't being sent anywhere. I connected Sink1 as an output port for Processor1.

3) TaskExecuter1 was not connected to the AGV paths, so I connected it using an A-connect from a Control Point in the AGV network.

With these things set up, the TaskExecuter can now perform the desired loading and unloading sequence while following the AGV path. Let me know if this helps.


disconnect-agv.png (57.3 KiB)
connection-agv.png (24.8 KiB)
agv-test-update.fsm (203.6 KiB)
5 |100000

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