
Stephen C2 avatar image
Stephen C2 asked Stephen C2 commented

is it possible to change owner of a license?

We've had some personnel turnover in our department. It would be best to change ownership of the license (transfer from one person to another). There is good documentation for other actions re: licenses, but I haven't found any on changing ownership. Thank you!

FlexSim 19.0.0
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1 Answer

tannerp avatar image
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tannerp answered Stephen C2 commented

Hi @Stephen C2,

This is possible. If the new license owner does not already have a FlexSim Account, and the old owner no longer needs to maintain their FlexSim Account, you could update the profile information of the current owning account, so that basically the new license owner takes over the existing account. To do this yourself you would have to be able to log in as the old account, which you can do if the old account owner is still around, or if you can receive email at the old account's email address to reset the password.

If the new owner already has an account, or the old owner wants to keep the account, or you're okay taking over the old FlexSim Account but you can't log in to it, you will need to contact your local FlexSim distributor.

As you are a customer of FlexSim U.S., and only FlexSim U.S. can see private questions, you can start a new private question here at Answers and let us know your preference regarding taking over the old account vs transferring the licenses to a new account. Post all the pertinent info (make sure you've marked the question as private!) and we can take care of the rest. For customers outside the United States, you should call or email your local FlexSim distributor directly. FlexSim U.S. customers can also call or email directly for live help.

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Braydn T avatar image Braydn T commented ·

@Stephen C2 Did this answer help you? If so, could you please accept it? If not, could you let us know what else we can do to help you? Thanks!

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Stephen C2 avatar image Stephen C2 commented ·

Thank you @tanner.p for the answer, this worked!

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