
Aaron C avatar image
Aaron C asked Aaron C commented

How can you track the daily max content of a Process Flow activity?

I'm working on a project where my customer wants to see the max number of tokens that an activity contains DAILY, so that at the end of the week, we can calculate the median of the max values. So what this means is that I can't just check the content at the end of a shift, because that amount may not represent the MOST that an activity held during that day.

I'm struggling to find a simple solution for this problem, so any help would be appreciated!

Extra details:
The activities that I'm checking are "Enter Zone" activities.
I need to do this same thing for multiple Enter Zone activities.

FlexSim 19.2.1
statistics collectordatamax contentmaximum contentdaily
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Regan Blackett avatar image
Regan Blackett answered Aaron C commented

@Aaron C

Since it looks like you are using a Zone anyway, you might consider using Zone partitions to help you here. My suggestion would be to assign a label to the tokens before they enter the Zone that marks the day in the simulation by using

  1. Math.trunc(Model.dateTime.totalDays)

A Couple things there; the trunc() is to eliminate the decimal portion of the result of the totalDays property of the model date/time because (from the manual):

This will return a floating point number where the fraction represents the time into the current day.

And the integer portion will be a unique day in the calendar which you can use to get your Max stat using the Zone partition statistics. From there, to calculate the median for the week, you would need a statistics collector.

Here's an example, I included a small monitoring block of activities so that when they day flips over any in-process tokens get added to the current day content. I also included a Statistics Collector that waits for a timer event at the end of each week of the model and gets the 7 most recent days' partition content and adds them to an Array. I then sort the array from lowest to highest value and return the 4th element of the sorted array to get the median.


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zacharyh avatar image
zacharyh answered
@Aaron C

In Dashboard there are specific Zone templates that you can use. Here is an example that you might be able to use for finding Max tokens entering a zone.

@jordan.johnson , any further ideas?

zone-statistics.png (20.1 KiB)
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